Travel Resorts of America

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Ham Lake Resort June Newsletter, 2024

Happy Summer!!

We are so excited this season is getting into full swing!  We have added a whiffle ball/kickball field and have equipment specifically for that field that can be checked out at the front desk.  We are also planning on having a movie night every Friday night, and at least 1 kids’ activity every Saturday.  On the 3rd Saturday of each month plan to bring a dish to share at our potluck dinners (we will sneak in an extra one here and there, so keep checking the bulletin board located near the office door) starting at 4:30 pm followed by karaoke to end the evening.

Be sure to bring your sunscreen and mosquito spray (or purchase at the resort store), it’s bound to be a sunny summer down by the lake.  There are always trails and scavenger hunts for you to explore and see nature at its best!  Enjoy relaxing and sitting around your campfire, or visiting with new friends that you make!

Miss Adventure and all the resort staff are looking forward to seeing you again along with new faces that come to the resort for the first time.

Come and check out the fun things we have in store for you this summer!

Hope to see you soon!!

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