2021 Maintenance Fee Discount Program
Save big on your annual maintenance fees!
Dear Valued TRA members,
We hope this finds you safe and well during the changes impacting our daily lives. Even during these challenging times, Member response to our Maintenance Fee Discount Program has been PHENOMENAL! With inflation at its highest levels in forty years (6.9% in 2021 alone!), saving on your annual maintenance fees makes more sense than ever! As a result, we have extended the program through January 31, 2022, to help you save money, hedge against inflation, and to supercharge our resort improvement projects for 2022!
There are two ways to save:
- Pay four years up front, get your fifth year free!
- Pay three years up front, get one half of a year free!
To take advantage of this opportunity to save, simply choose the Maintenance Fee Discount Program that is best for you and call us today at 1-866-826-6232 to pay by phone. Or you can use the envelope provided to mail the remittance coupon along with your check made out to Travel Resorts of America.
Thanks again for being a part of our growing Travel Resorts family, Happy Camping, Happy Vacationing and Happy Savings! Please call our Billing Department toll free at 1-866-826-6232 with any question.
Steven R. Baldelli