Travel Resorts of America

Campfire Chronicles, Spotlight Member Fun Resort Updates Contest Winner

Rocky Fork Ranch Resort, April 2022

Hey Y’all,

We are so excited to welcome Spring to Rocky Fork Ranch! This is the time of year when we are reminded of new beginning, enjoying nature for its warmer days, blooming flowers, and birds singing their tunes. We hope you all are just as excited and are making your plans to come see us soon!

We are still recovering from the harsh winter and early high water that we are not accustomed to. Having said that, the staff here is working hard to get us back into shape as quickly as possible! I want to thank you all for your patience this winter, especially while the indoor pool was down for repairs. Your kindness and patience were a breath of fresh air to us all. We, too, have missed having the indoor pool and all the activity and good times it provides.

We hosted ECO East Central Ohio Educational Service Center in March. On March 16th, seventeen middle school students and three teachers came to Rocky Fork Ranch for Career Day. We were thrilled to host this event and showcase career opportunities here in Guernsey County for these students. We showcased each department, and during lunch, they solved issues that arise here at the ranch. They were creative, bright, and vocal about their solutions. Needless to say, we have some awesome talent in our neck of the woods and who knows, one day, we could see some of these shining stars work here at the ranch. Speaking of having fun… Simeon and the Recreation Team have some fun planned for April, and you can read all about it below. So, make your plans to join us and let’s get back to camping at the ranch!

Hope to see y’all real soon,

Sharrie Yarber

Resort Operations Manager

A note from your recreation director:

We have a lot of fun things planned for April!

To start it all off, we have April Fool’s Day weekend! We will play a fun game of charades and try to avoid the pranksters! The following weekend is Trivia Weekend. Are you the smartest member? Come and prove it! Easter weekend is full of all kinds of goodies! We will have a Easter egg hunts for all ages, and we are bringing back the Easter Potluck! The weekend after Easter is Earth Day! We will celebrate by doing a clean-up hike at one of our favorite trails on the Ranch. In the final weekend in April, we will have Camping Safety weekend. A couple of local paramedics are coming out to show us how we can be safer while enjoying the outdoors! We look forward to seeing y’all this month!

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