Travel Resorts of America

Campfire Chronicles, Spotlight Member Fun Resort Updates Contest Winner

St. Croix River Resort
August Newsletter, 2024

STC June 2023 Entrance Rowdy and the Sign Canoe
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It’s hard to believe that it is August already and that the summer is winding down. 

We are in our last full month of activities for the season, but we still have lots of fun things planned!  Make sure to download Campers App for the most up-to-date schedule.

On August 3rd we will have music by Nathan Frazier and on August 31st we will have our last DJ for the season. 

It’s that time of the year when we start planning for our final weekend of the season, October 17-20.  Our MEA Halloween Weekend is a favorite of mine.  We will have site decorating, costume contests, trick or treating, crafts and more.  We love seeing you participating in our site decorating as that makes it more fun!  This is a weekend that you do not want to miss, give us call to book your site today!

We look forward to having you stay with us soon!

Sue Schaefer, Resort Manager


STC Ice Cream Truck

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